Friday, April 13, 2007

First tilt session since my serious attempt of creating a profitable game.

I was running really well yesterday, but i ran into a 83/34/3 donk who hitted everything. He puts me allin with A8o on a A2256 board with 3 spades. I fold and he shows his "move" when i try to isolate him, i didnt just hit one single hand. TT vs 98s postflop allin on 9 high board en he spiked his 8 on teh river. At one time were again in a reraised pot i have JJ and he has A6 and hits his ace.. and puts me allin on the turn ... and on and on.
This wasn't the real bad side of the game i did have te best hands preflop and just got unlucky right? Well later on i started to make some moves, like 2 barreling with bottom pair in the hole. Pushing with SD's ( What was i thinking i didnt had any FE). I was very unhappy with my game, on the other tables i called almost everything down. I really have some notes on me now.

On the end i stopped playing after about 600 hands and i was break even. With my A-game i would be like 6 buyins up i guess.

So this morning i was wondering where did it went all wrong? That thought is going trough my head all morning, so i decided to write it out.
It all started at the table with the donk. Where he after a good hand said he would take all my chips and i responded to that with:"Take a look at your chips this is the last look you can have on them." STUPID!!! I forced myself to get his chips... It became a personal vendetta between me and him. Than you let your feelings come in and you don't want to do that. In poker you need to be emotionally stabile and a villain should not come in to your head like that. It forced me to play different game then my A-game.
You don't want to get angry because somebody makes a bad call and outdraws you. It happens. Fishes can be lucky, don't even care about it. And especially:"DONT TRY TO IMPRESS THEM IN THE CHAT ABOUT HOW BAD THE PLAY. THEY DONT CARE, THEY PLAY TO MAKE SUCKOUTS! AND MAKE PROFIT BECAUSE I CALL THEM DOWN SO LIGHT"
So what are the solutions of this problem. Its pretty simple: Put off the chat. I think if the chat was off (like i normally do watching "stats") i would probably typing this article with a title like:"My biggest win session since march."

So I'm going to concentrate on my state of mind while playing.

Any thoughts are very welcome about this.


Panic said...

tja emoties en pokeren gaan niet samen. Ben je happy omdat je 5 buy ins up staat speel je te los, sta je zwaar verlies speel je ook te los. Heb je iets persoonlijks tegen iemand, dan ga je hem opzoeken met slechte handen. Je moet inderdaad zowel je ego als je emoties thuis laten als je gaat spelen.
Een ding dat mij helpt is niet voortdurend mijn PO/PT stats updaten en kijken hoeveel verlies/winst ik heb. Hoe je voorkomt dat je persoonlijk wordt, inderdaad chat uitzetten is een goede stap. Maar dan nog als iemand zijn bluff showed dan gaan je hem ook opzoeken.
Je speelt om geld te winnen, niet om geld te winnen van 1 bepaalde persoon

claudiorat said...

Ik heb 10NL gespeeld tot ik aan BR 1200 zat. Niet bluffen en uw goei handen goed uitspelen is de boodschap daar. En van de chat niks aantrekken. Een getoonde bluf helpt u alleen maar om hem in de val te lokken als ge wel de nuts hebt. Succes.