Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sticking around $420...

So here is a short update.
I joined 3 tourneys wich I didn't complete itm. $20 loss. In the cashgames i did quit well and was $30 up. I decided to take a shot @ 25NL but this shot didn't go as well as my previous shots. So i dropped $30. I lost 20 that evening. back to $397...

Thuesday (The site says this post is generated on Thuesday but where I live it is wednesday allready :D)
Yesterday I trapped myself on making to many moves on loose villains. I dropped 1 buyin very quick. Hmmm. That didn't went well so i decided to open 2 more tables. With opening 2 other tables (6 tables total) i don't have very much time so i don't quit make as much moves. And it worked. But i still don't feel like i've gained enough. I got aces in a 3way pot against 2 shortys. KK vs JJ vs my AA. But i've we where deep enough that would have been 3 buyins for me with the flop Jxx and a A turned where we got it in.
And 1 hand i flopped a set with only a 20BB shorty in the hand. I pick my tables carefully with deepstacks but they didn't compete much with me.
In the end I was +$23 leaving me again @ ~$420.

Goals on short term. Play less tourneys, play more cashgames.

Dollar vs Euro

I have some currency issues. It is pretty good to think about it because I never hear someone about it. When I made my initial deposit I got $65 for €50 wich leaves me $1,3 for €1.
The currency right now is $1,36 for each €1. So when I withdrawal right now i loose 420*0,06 = $25 dollar due to currency fluctuations. I'm thinking off writing a letter to stars about this matter.

I will be suggesting to make our bankrolls in € and change it in $ when we are willing to play. When they change the changerate of the money everyday we loose almost no money. But i don't know if PS can make this work, I saw it on VC Poker and it got me thinking.

If i see it all wrong here, or i've you have some addition to this line of thinking pls comment.
Imo we are all losing due to this.


Igor said...

Loco aangezien Stars nu ook Moneybookers ondersteunt, zou ik je aanraden om het grootste gedeelte van je bankroll op Moneybookers te houden. Moneybookers gebruikt voor de euro´s een eerlijke wisselkoers (in tegenstelling tot Neteller) en je kan je geld ieder moment op Stars zetten.

Zo wordt je beschermd tegen een eventuele daling van de dollarkoers.

Succes met je spel,

Anonymous said...

hey Thijs

gaat lekker zo te zien op naar de 25nl!
Ik zelf speel ook weer op 25nl (sinds het sluiten van mijn account) en hoop binnen maand weer terug op de 100nl te zijn. heb zo net een sessie van 1600 handen met 20bb/100 afgerond dus mooie start..

Als je advies nodig hebt voor 25nl of hoger laat het me weten


grts Bas